Grebe Synchrophase Articles and other contributions
This page contains links to articles and similar information, some on this site, some elsewhere.
All contributions are welcome and gratefully acknowledged.
Modern Articles
"Precision Mica Capacitors in the Grebe Synchrophase" by yours truly - Radio Age Magazine April 2004
Large PDF file (~900K) This one is a lot better quality if you have the bandwidth.
Smaller PDF file (~300K)
Vintage Articles
"The Grebe Synchrophase" by S. Gordon Taylor - Popular Radio August 1925 <<-- read this one
"The Design of the Grebe Synchrophase" by R.R.Batcher - Courtesy April 1925 QST
Modern non-Grebe Articles by your's truly
"The Should-Have-Been RCA 23K: Analysis of a 23-Tube Prototype Receiver", Chapter 1 Radio Age Magazine June 2006